The rare cancerous form of mesothelioma is that which develops from the protective lining along the internal organs of a person's body. An individual will most likely develop the cancerous disease in their lungs, abdominal cavity, heart or testis; however symptoms of the malady can take up to 50 years to surface because the disease often lies dormant from anywhere between 15 to 50 years.
The most common cause of mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos, and those who most commonly develop the disease are persons that have been exposed to asbestos on the job or at home through inhalation of the substance. Any type of exposure to even the most minimal amount of the fibrous material can lead to the formerly rare type of cancer that is known as mesothelioma. Any type of contact with these dust particles - even washing the clothing of a person who has been exposed to asbestos - could lead to your later development of the cancerous disease.
Asbestos is particularly dangerous to people because it is easily overlooked. Many individuals who are frequently exposed to the hazardous material are not even aware that they have come in contact with it. For example, the substance exists in some brake linings, insulation materials, flooring materials, brake pads, roof shingles and cement. Therefore, construction workers and car mechanics run a great risk of being exposed to the material.
It can also exist in certain water and food supplies as well as commercial and private buildings. Even if you are not in an environment that breeds this type of bad substance, just being around others who are habitually exposed to it can be equally as dangerous to you.
One of the most frightening facts about asbestos exposure and development of mesothelioma is the dormancy of symptoms, as well as the similarity in symptoms to other less threatening diseases. When a disease lies dormant in a person it means that it exists in the individual's body but it has yet to show signs of its appearance, meaning that a person could live with a potentially dangerous disease for years without even knowing they have it.
Of further concern is the fact that many of the cancer's symptoms are very similar to other lesser ailments that may not be cause for much alarm among suffers of such conditions. For example, common indicators of the disease are a shortness of breath (caused from the buildup of fluid between the lungs and the chest wall), pain in the chest and a loss of weight. These symptoms are so general and non-threatening compared to many others that they could easily be overlooked or pushed aside by someone silently suffering from a much more serious condition.
The United States has not yet made the screening for mesothelioma caused by asbestos mandatory. Therefore, the only definitive way to learn whether or not you suffer from this disease is through an X-ray and CT scan of the chest cavity. However, considering the fact that most of the cancer's symptoms - sneezing, wheezing, fatigue and achiness - are symptomatic of the common cold many people do not think twice about them. Rather than taking themselves to the doctor for medical examination and X-ray most people simply dismiss their ailments, unassumingly believing that they are not in any danger.
The prognosis for cancerous cases of mesothelioma is not good. While treatments such as radiation, chemotherapy and surgery exist, they are not enough to prevent the ultimate deterioration brought on by the disease. In order to protect yourself against this dangerous disease it is important to take every precaution possible when working or living in any environment that you believe may be compromising to your health. Hiring a personal injury lawyer who can defend your case is also a crucial step that should be taken after you have been diagnosed. In many cases, the help of a legal professional is just what you need to gain maximum compensation that will help cover your medical bills and lifestyle fees after you have been diagnosed.